
Obesity Health Problems Capturing Public Concern

September 24, 2007

Due to increased awareness of obesity and health problems, many individuals, as well as medical professionals, are beginning to view being overweight as a medical condition and not simply a bad lifestyle choice. For years, many health professionals and most of public opinion focused on the lifestyle of those suffering from being overweight, refusing to accept the need for medical intervention for excess weight, but a renewed effort by many physicians have brought the connection between obesity and health problems into the public light.

Although obesity, those having a body mass index of 30 or higher, has been around for centuries, it was not until recently that the announcement of a gene being found that controls a person’s weight. Researchers in 1994 made the worldwide public announcement that the gene, related to obesity and health problems, controlled the appetite as well as metabolism, giving credence to the tie in of obesity to being a medical issue and not just a lifestyle issue.

While there is little dispute that diet habits contribute to many of the overweight problems people of every walk of life and economic status suffer. There are many convinced that those of less economic means suffer from being overweight more than those financially secure, the obesity and health problems know no boundaries in inflicting the problems either caused by or associated with obesity.

Major Ailments Connected To Being Overweight

Coronary artery disease and heart problems have been tied to obesity since a Framingham, Mass., study in 1948 showed the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in respect to weight. Additional connections between obesity and health problems were earlier announced after a study at the University of Minnesota determined that so-called yo-yo dieting could lead to health problems.

In addition to heart problems, it has been well documented that a connection exists between obesity and health problems such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Diabetes can be further complicated by high blood pressure often present in those overweight and the extra weight may also cause mobility problems, reducing the person’s ability to exercise further damaging heart muscles. Additionally, the lack of exercise reduces the production of good cholesterol, further complicating heart health.

The lack or exercise, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with joints and the increase weight being carried can add to the obesity and health problems often suffered by those with a weight problem. Regardless of the type of exercise, once cleared by the doctor, it can with weight loss as well as mobility.

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